Thursday, October 31, 2019

Journal Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 55

Journal - Assignment Example I also dream of the future with no environmental pollution. I am aware of the dangers caused by environmental pollution, which encourage me to work hard unceasingly towards the achievement of that future. I believe that change begins with me. Therefore, I employ numerous management principles by ensuring that I conserve the available resources to preserve for future generations. This includes using energy, water, and land only to the capacity that can sustain me. I try as to use any alternative that is pollution-free or less-polluting. I have learned that through management of the natural environment, I have become a responsible individual all my life. I also believe in group work in management. This has led me to influence many other people in environmental issues. I lead by example to ensure that the current generation and the generation behind me adopt the same style of leadership. A good manager is also required to sharpen skills and competencies continually (Plunkett 12). I have done this by participating in seminars and other training sessions touching on the environment as well as reading articles on environmental

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Aphasia and Grammar Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Aphasia and Grammar Paper - Essay Example The fact that we do not lose language by damage to our vocal chords is proof that language is a function that originates from the brain. Language is such an integral part of our lives yet we take words and their systematic arrangement in a sentence, grammar, for granted until we lose the ability to speak coherent grammatically correct sentences. This condition or disorder is called Aphasia. Damage to our vocal chords only limits our sounds and expression of the language but in the case of Aphasia the main centre in the brain that is linked with our linguistic ability gets damaged. This can happen when our brain is unable to communicate within its cortex walls to send the right signals to the sensory organs effectively to create the sound, deliver the words in the right arrangement and form a coherent language? Simply put, Aphasia is a disorder, which damages the parts of the brain that are responsible for language, as we know it. Typically a person with Aphasia loses the ability to s peak coherently or form grammatically coherent sentences. In other words, grammar is lost to the person with Aphasia. The disorder can happen to anyone or any age group and is usually the result of a stroke or damage to the brain. Most people with Aphasia have been known to regain their language skills through intense therapy by way of reacquainting their brain with language skills. In that case, it leaves us with the following questions. When a person gets Aphasia 1. Where does the grammar go? 2. How is it able to resurface suddenly? This article hopes to examine Aphasia and find some answers to the above questions. Where does the grammar go during Aphasia? To understand this point we need to go a bit in detail into the condition itself from a physiological point of view. Language is a function that is predominantly controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain. The left hemisphere as we all know controls the right side of the body and is also responsible for abstract reasoning an d anything that involves a systematic progression. This linear model of progression is the basis of language, which is a composite of words and sounds. Therefore a blow, stroke or damage to the left hemisphere can cause language disability or Aphasia. But the brain is a complex organ and this same language centre, and the consequent Aphasia is divided into two sections in the frontal and posterior regions of the left cerebral cortex, named after the neurologists who identified them. They are Broca’s Aphasia after Paul Broca and as Wernicke’s Aphasia after Carl Wernicke respectively. To explain in very simple terms, Broca’s region is the one that is involved with structural format or grammatical reasoning while Wernicke region is like a storehouse of words, like nouns and verb as well as phrases and composite words derived from familiar objects and have thus formed by association with Broca’s region. Grammar is the structural format that is the basis of se ntences, phrases and composite formations. Therefore it is important for Broca’s and Wernicke’s regions to connect. It has been found that they are intricately connected by some specific neurons. When this connection gets severed or if there is damage to either one of the regions, Aphasia occurs. Let us examine how this damage actually brings about the loss of grammar. In the case of Broca’

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Instrument Rules vs Targeting Rules

Instrument Rules vs Targeting Rules Instrument rules vs targeting rules? Should Central Banks commit to a simple instrument rule such as the Taylor Rule? How well does such a rule explain Central Bank behaviour? Do targeting rules provide a more compelling alternative? The Taylor rule has had a wide-reaching effect on the literature surrounding monetary policy design. It is a simple instrument rule which aims to show how interest rates should respond to two economic indicators: Inflation and Output. This simple rule has led to the â€Å"Taylor Principle† which has been said to be useful in guiding policy design. Many studies have been done to determine whether or not the Taylor rule appears to guide monetary policy in many central banks. However there has been a vocal group that criticises the Taylor Rule and instrument rules in general as being inflexible and not allowing for discretionary measures, this has sparked lively debate between the two sides of the debate. This essay will examine the literature surrounding the Taylor Rule and analyse the good and bad aspects of the rule. In addition to this the empirical studies examining the Taylor Rule will be discussed. Furthermore a brief look targeting rules will provide a useful counterpoint to the analysis of instrument rules. Literature surrounding the Taylor Rule Before discussion of the literature surrounding the Taylor Rule can begin it is necessary to define what Central banks aim to achieve with monetary policy. Most agree that inflation targeting is a key concern for central banks with the aim being to keep it at a low and stable level. In addition to this there are concerns for keeping a stable level of output which should aim to keep it at a level around potential output and for general control of monetary aggregates such as money supply. With these objectives in place the Taylor rule can now be examined in how it allows central banks to follow a simple rule to meet its objective. The Taylor rule is a simple instrument rule which shows that interest rates should be determined by the inflation gap and the output gap as shown in this equation: (Walsh, 2003, p.546) The à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¢ and à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ § coefficients are both >0. This being added to the real interest rates leads to the Taylor principle which states that a deviation from the target rate of inflation should be met with a larger than one to one change in the nominal rate of interest. This is called the â€Å"Taylor Principle† and the empirical literature surrounding central bank behaviour aims to find evidence of the Taylor Principle adhered to by Central Banks. Bernanke (2004) describes the above equation as a simple feedback policy due to the central bank reacting to feedback from the economy on a number of variables that can be estimated at the time and don’t rely on forecasting. As the literature around the Taylor rule has grown so too has the variations of the model which have included both lagged variables and forecasting (Clarinda, et al.) It has also been adapted to provide guidelines for a variety of monetary policy regimes as Orphanides (2007, p.15) has pointed out two examples; one being a money growth regime and the other an inflation targeting regime. The Taylor Rule and the principle which follows on from it serve as a good starting point for monetary policy making due to its simplicity allowing a variety of variations of it to suit a variety of needs and thus serves a useful benchmark. Its simplicity provides a host of other benefits well. Firstly its ability to relate policy to the state of economy by showing how interest rates, inflation and output interact with each other it provides a good guideline for central banks to follow. In addition to if a central bank can commit to such a rule it will provide a baseline for expectations regarding future monetary policy for financial markets and other private agents. There are many criticisms of the Taylor Rule. Svensson (2003) and Woodford (2001) both imply that rules may be too simplistic to carry out the task of dictating monetary policy. Svensson (2003) also argues that it doesn’t contain enough economic variables to be useful. He mentions the exchange rate, terms of trade as well as others which may be of importance to a central bank in a small open economy. Thus he concludes that any policy using Taylor Instrument rules will be sub-optimal (Svensson, 2003, p.442). McCallum and Nelson rebut this by citing two models (Clarida et al. (2000) and McCallum Nelson (1999)) which are open-economy models which don’t require terms other than the interest rate, output and inflation rate. (McCallum Nelson, 2004, p.600) Tschandize et al. (2005) also points out that any recommendation based off of a formula is likely to ignore the judgment policymakers use in light of other developments not captured in the output gap or inflation behaviour. There are also practical problems with the Taylor rule though. Firstly the measures of both output and inflation can have a very different result depending on how they are measured (Yearly or Quarterly Data) and also due to measurement errors. (Orphanides, 2007) This could have a significant effect on parameters and lead to sub optimal policy making. Furthermore when there is deflation the Taylor rule if followed mechanically would demand a negative interest rate which is highly unlikely if not impossible due to the existence of a zero lower bound. Finally say if the inflation target was met and output was at its natural level then the rule dictates we set nominal rates at the real interest rate plus inflation. This presents numerous problems as there is extreme difficulty in measuring what is the natural long run rate of interest due to it being unobservable and having to be obtained implicitly. The Taylor rule is however generally held by all to be a good model considering its limited number of variables and serves as a good starting point for the oft complex task of creating monetary policy. Also if the Taylor rule is indeed followed as a rule many of the criticisms levelled against it are entirely valid, however if seen as a policy guideline rather than an iron clad law it is a lot more flexible and can instead inform policy makers rather than dictate them. Empirical Studies of the Taylor Rule Empirical studies tend to utilise rational expectations of forecasts, especially the model developed by Clarinda et al. this specification of the model is intuitively true as it would be rational to assume that central banks are forward looking in their policymaking due to the time lag between taking action and seeing that action having an effect it is better to take the action now for a forecast. In their study they find that the Taylor Principle held up well and you could accurately describe the policy undertaken by the Fed, Bundesbank and the Bank of Japan in the time frame studied. Clarinda et al go a step further and also include lagged variables of interest, regressions ran on interests rate with the coefficient on lagged inflation is both large and statistically significant implying serial correlation. For example Clarinda et al. find that with the fed two lagged variables of interest rates for the fed is both large and statistically significant. Some argue it implies that the fed is following an interest smoothing policy. This interest smoothing policy is intuitive for a number of reasons, for example central banks also use data from financial markets amongst others when deciding interest rates, and thus an interest smoothing policy would aim to not destabilize these other macroeconomic variables which would not be good for an economy’s wellbeing. This has been referred to as an illusion by Rudebusch (2002). He shows that if the Fed did adopt a gradual policy then it would be predictable but he argues that evidence from forward rates does not support this view. In addition to this Lansing shows econometrically why gradual smoothing appears. If the fed is using real time data to update its trend output each period then when the final data is produced due to the serial correlation between the real time errors will make it appear to be correlated with lagged interest rates. This creates the illusion of interest rate smoothing. More general points of criticism have been raised by many others (Perez(2001) Tschiadize et al. (2005) and Orphanides (2007). Perez (2001) argues argue that if we used real time data available to policymakers at the time we would find that the results do not hold up well and that in the period before the so called great deviation we would see that the Taylor rule was followed in the period of the great inflation (Perez, 2001). Orphanides (2007) argues that many studies have fallen into the trap of using revised ex-post data instead of the data available at the time, this error leads to results which provide no real insight into how decisions were made at the time. This point is also made by Tschandize (2005) Tschadize also points out that the structural change in an economy must be taken into account and thus it would be difficult to impose the same coefficients and targets on of one regime on another without accounting for structural changes. They elaborate by saying that while the structure of the economy may not change attitudes may change which may shift the result of the Taylor Rule equation due to different weights placed on the inflation variance and the output gap, and also a change in targets. Both of these would drastically change In addition to this many papers provide a counterfactual account of what should’ve been done. However with the benefit of hindsight and revised datasets it is very easy to say what should be done. Furthermore a study of this sort is of limited use as it is purely theoretical and is subject to the same limitations outlined above. They mention a 2003 study by Rogoff which shows that the smoothing of inflation may have occurred anyway due to favourable conditions in the macroeconomic environment, primarily globalization which put a downward pressure on prices due to increased competition from abroad so the evidence of Taylor Rules controlling inflation may be overstated. The empirical studies surrounding the Taylor rule have provided great insights into the conduct of monetary policy historically and have given insights into what works and has deepened our understanding of monetary policy. However there are many flaws in many of these studies which limits how many conclusions we can draw from them. Targeting Rules Could targeting rules provide a better alternative to an instrument rule? Svennson has been a strong advocate of targeting rules based on forecasting. One thing to note is that the Taylor rule is explicit whereas the model Svensson advocates is implicit in that inflation and output gaps matter but not because of themselves but in the way they affected the forecast for inflation. This particular model of optimal targeting relies heavily on developments made in consumption theory, Svensson argues that they are superior as they are structural, robust and compact. This model hinges on a very simple Euler Equation. This of course has come under criticism but it is irrefutable that it is compelling in its simplicity and its ability to distil the complexities of policymakers decision making into the very simple form of essentially MRS=MRT. The Euler condition is simply this: Et (Eq. 2 Svensson 2003, p.616) How does this relate to targeting rules? Targeting rules aim to minimise the loss between the marginal rate of substitution (MRS) between inflation and the output gap and the marginal rate of transformation between inflation and output is determined by the aggregate supply (AS) relationship between inflation and unemployment. Svensson (2005) notes that aggregate demand doesn’t determine the marginal rate of transformation (MRT), therefore the model is robust to changes in the AD relationship. This is an intuitive idea as policymakers have a preference over inflation and output just as a consumer has a preference over consumption today or tomorrow. Thus, a decision is made over how much output and inflation, which is dependent on the trade-off between them, which is given by the AS curve. So the principle of MRS=MRT can be applied to monetary policy. This principle is independent of any model and Svennson believes that this should drive a policymaker’s decision making not simply adhering to an instrument rule. Svennson (2005) outlines the central bank’s optimal targeting rule as: (Svensson, 2005, Eq.3) This rule is a structural model of monetary policy, in the same way that AS and AD are structural (and they are designed to capture price-setting and consumption choice respectively). As previously stated this essentially captures the equality MRS=MRT. MRS being given by the central banks preferences between inflation and output with à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  capturing the weight authorities place on output variability. The MRT being given by à ¯Ã‚ Ã‚ ¡x à ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¯Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚  which is the slope of the short-run Philips curve which captures the trade-off between inflation and unemployment. Svennson (2005) says it is also robust to shocks and judgement since there is no variable in the rule to capture this. Finally he states that targeting rules are superior to instrument rules as they are more compact. This means that they can explain the same amount with less variables which can only be a good thing as it should lead to less errors. McCallum and Nelson (2004) argue that targeting rules are specific to a particular model. As they rely on assumptions of the dynamics of the models IS and Phillips curves amongst other structural equations. (2004, p.599) They criticise them as although they are optimal for a particular model they may well not be optimal in another model. In contrast they argue that instrument rules can be defined outside particular models and can be tested in other models, and that the best instrument rule over the range of models can be selected. They provide numerical examples in which the optimal rule in one model can give results in other models that are more than twice as bad as the optimum for that model (2004, p.599) They then run some simulations and conclude that there is little difference between the performance of instrument and targeting rules when a mistake is made regarding economic conditions. They argue that targeting rules are not superior to instrument rules in this respect. Svensson (2005) counters that if the error is not immediately realised, instrument rules can perform very badly. He also points out that whereas targeting rules are by definition optimal, varying the response coefficient in instrument rules finitely (rather than infinitely) can on some occasions only get close to optimality Targeting rules provide a good alternative to instrument rules and provide many benefits over instrument rules as shown above. That is not to say that it isn’t without its flaws but it does appear to more accurately model the behaviour of central banks as Conclusion Taylor rules and more generally instrument rules have been the focus of a great deal of economic research. The idea of a simple policy rule is an enticing one as it would be easy to commit to and would allow for an easy understanding of monetary policy. However the main issue is its simplicity as has been pointed out by many, central banks rely on all sorts of data when making monetary policy decisions. This thought process cannot be hoped to be captured in a simple instrument rule. It has found some success in empirical studies however with many showing that there is evidence of central banks making use of the Taylor rule and Principle but these findings should be taken with a pinch of salt as there are of course no certainties that central banks strictly followed a Taylor rule and also many critics have discredited some of the findings. However the results are still impressive considering the model has performed admirably in the years after it was first published in 1993 and still provides a compelling idea as to how monetary policy should be conducted and provides a reasonable explanation of central bank actions over the years. The development of optimal targeting rules has led to a compelling alternative to proposed instrument rules with its simplicity and strong micro foundations providing a model that holds up well to analysis. Indeed it is superior to instruments in a variety of ways due to its implicit nature and in the way it captures the principle that monetary policy is a case of getting MRS=MRT which is independent of any model and it leaves more scope for judgement to be used in how best to achieve this equilibrium. Of course it is not without its flaws such as its specificity to certain models and its inability to be used in other models. Unlike an instrument rule which is easy to apply and examine in a variety of models and the best rule can be selected. So the debate will continue and instrument rules and in particular the Taylor Rule are still relevant in the debate over the best way to conduct monetary policy due to its simplicity and it will serve as a useful guide for policymakers in the fu ture but the development of optimal targeting rules does provides a compelling alternative which is in my opinion a better model of monetary policy than any instrument rules as it more accurately captures the decisions facing policymakers due to its simplicity.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Euthanasia Opinion :: Free Euthanasia Essay

Euthanasia Opinion Euthanasia is the intentional termination of life by another at the request of the person who dies. Although it is legal in Holland, it is illegal throughout the UK and is an extremely controversial topic often discussed in the media. When it is being debated it is essential to address all the issues and arguments for and against, religious and non-religious, as all the churches oppose it strongly. There are very many points against euthanasia. The first is that life is a gift from God and only he can take it away. This is obviously a strong religious argument that many people feel cannot be argued against, as any gift from God should be treasured. Some people also argue that there are many pain-killing drugs that will relieve the patients suffering and that at the time the patient may not be able to make a rational decision or may change their minds but be incapable of expressing this to a doctor. Older people may feel they are becoming a burden upon their families and other people and opt for euthanasia although they may actually want to continue living. It also means that the relationship of trust between doctors and patients is put at risk as it goes against the Hippocratic Oath that doctors must try to preserve life. Some people argue that if there were better facilities for caring for the dying there would be no need for euthanasia. Euthanasia is also seen to devalue life and can be said to be the first step on a "slippery slope." The Catholic Church has the following opinion on euthanasia: "à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Euthanasia goes against Christianity and the will of God. It is sinful and wrong." Although the churches disagree strongly with euthanasia, there are still many people who would put forward strong arguments for it and would like to see it legalised. These arguments would be that it can quickly and humanely end a patient's suffering and it can help to shorten the grief and emotional pain of the loved ones of the

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Mr Smallwood

Yes points possible 100. 0 Resubmissions Allowed? No Attachments checked for originality? Yes Assignment Instructions McDonald's and Struck have Invested heavily In developing their brand names and marketing initiatives domestically and Internationally. While they both have experienced growing pains, they have also enjoyed the sweet successes learned from each other. While best practices were not always the â€Å"buzz word† for some organizations over the years, they did learn from each other in their way.However, like any other business, they may not want to admit that there were lessons learned and practices realized by other businesses which helped them to grow and thrive in various markets. Please take a moment and think about the following question as you prepare to research and write the assignment for this week. How do you think McDonald's and Struck were able to establish their brands to fit local markets wrought architectural design of the stores, their e-commerce str ategies and service to accommodate the local markets and culture? . Please explain their approaches individually and determine if there are any differences or similarities. 2. Do you think Struck benefited from the missteps by McDonald's that you will read about in your research? 3. You should use reference material from course readings and outside sources when needed to strengthen your argument Complete your answers in a Word document with PAPA formatting and submit Assignment 3 by midnight, Day .What marketing considerations do you need to understand as you evolve from a domestic supplier or international distributor to a fully integrated global company? Is It an easy transition or does it demand restructuring of your market functions? Pretend that l, your CEO, have asked you to open up give (5) different overseas locations for our domestic business. What are some of these marketing considerations that we have to focus on first, and what are some future marketing considerations? S ubmit your Forum Post 4 Minimal post by midnight.Please suspend to two (2) of your classmates' posts by midnight, Day 7. Please review the rubric for Forum postings as you prepare these postings for this week. Mr.. Smallwood By mallard open Date June Z 2014 12:00 AM Points Possible 100. 0 McDonald's and Struck have invested heavily in developing their brand names and marketing initiatives domestically and internationally. While they both have it an easy transition or does it demand restructuring of your market functions? Considerations? Submit your Forum Post 4 initial post by midnight, Day 4. Please

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

India Election

The current 1 5th Lok Sabha will complete its constitutional term on May 31 , 2014 By constitutional requirement, elections to the Lok Sabha must be held at most every five years or whenever parliament is dissolved by the president. The previous election, to the 1 5th Lok Sabha, was conducted in April-May 2009 and its term would naturally expire on 31 May 2014. The election will be organised by the Election Commission of India (EC') and are normally held in multiple phases to better handle the large electoral base and security concerns.Congress had a empathic victory in 2009 10k sabha elections . 1JPA- 2 started on a high by wining almost full majority of its own. However ,their second term has been marred with controversies and corruption allegations. starting with common wealth game scam,every few monthes saw a new scam coming out like Adarsh society scam and the biggest of all sharply in the past few years adding to the woes of common men. Cursed against black money and corruption by Ana Hazare and to some extent baba Ramdev has only added to the woes of congress. But congress is srewed and knows politics very well.They know that offence is the best way of defend. For every scam or corruption news come out ,they bounce back equally controversial news against Vival arties. Their projection of Rahul Gandhi,who is known as youth icon of India today after his appointment as vice-president of congress party. Lets see as a prime ministreal candidate may help them in their campaign build upto 2014 elections. Since the last general election, the BJP has made inroads by winning the state assembly elections in Goa and winning despite a tradition of anti-incumbency in Punjab.However, it lost control of Uttaranchal, Himachel Pradesh and its southern bastion of Karnataka. Use of technology In January 2013, the Election Commission of India announced that it would be using n SMS based alert system called Communication Plan for Election (COMET) during the election. The syst em, aimed at sending messages to the millions of government officials on election duty, was successfully deployed in the assembly polls in Goa, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Uttarakhand andManipur in early 2012 and in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat in late 2012.The COMET system â€Å"uses coded text messages through mobile phones to collect data about officials, information about scheduled events like staff reaching the polling station, mock polls conducted, start of polling, oting percentages every two hours, number of voters in after voting time was over, and whether the poll party reached safely at the high security Electronic Voting Machine (EVMs) deposit centre. † The system would also send alerts to the local police in case of disturbances at any polling station Main opposition party Bhartiya Janta Party was left down and out after 2009 elections.BJPs arch enemy is not congres but BJP itself. lts leaders have failed to capitalize on core issues of price raise and corruption agai nst the congress. They shoud have learned from congress and other nd some other smaller parties,have been able to successfully use the anti miniorty tag againt the BJPfor ever two decades now. BJP has also lost a lot of mass appeal leaders over the years past popular leadrer in India Atal Behari Vajpayee has now retired from active politic. charsmatics learder and face of modern India ,Parmod MaJhan was killed in a tragic incident.Stalwarts like Govindacharya and Jaswant Singh were thrown out. Prime ministreal candidate Murli Manohar Joshi has been made to sit on the side lines with no influence on national level politics. L. K. Advani is lose to retirement years and fire brand Sushma SwaraJ hasn't proved to be a winner yet. That leaves the party with only one leadear of mass appeal,Narender Modi who may not yet able to handle national politics alone,and behind him a dark shade of communlist tag. Beside every one knows congress will play the anti miniorty tag against him quite well. BJP has also destoried its chance by not farming stretigc alliance with other parties in state. It used to have an alliance with AIADMK in Tamil Nadu and Mamta Banerjee'sTMS , IN West Bengal ,BJD in Orissa and recently JDU OF Bihar . BJPS loss has been congress gain. Third Fornt Parties: Third fornt parties have been redused to play a miniorty role at the center over the past few years. Leaders like Lalu Parsad,Mulayam Singh YadavJaya Lalta,Mayawati are no Govt. ln this case of congress.Left fornt has already become non-existent after the debaile in 2011 assembly elections and it had be highly unlikely that they,had make any come back by 2014. For the past few years, most of third fornt allies have been thob-nobbing with congress ,which raises doubt on their very existence. Third fornt was formed to combat BJP as well as congress ,but if u are going to chossse congress fter polls every time ,then won't it better for peoples to vote for congress dereibly third fornt needs to get its priorities right and decide on their future survavial options ,because as of now their future looks black.The contender's For India Election 2014 Though congress may not admit it yet,but Manmohan Singh be showen door out,and congress may be prefer to field Rahul Gandhi as its Prime Ministreal candidate in 2014. 1t may be too early for Rahul to lead nation as he has not proven his political accumen yet,but after the negative reviews UPA-2 is gathering,congress may want to hange Manmohan Singh. As for BJP the choice is only Narender Modi havng good record at regional level but no influence at national level yet. The Prime Ministreal Candidate: 1 Gandhi or Manmohan Singh. :NDA:- Narender Mod'. 3:Third Fornt:-Depends upon which party gets most seats. Slogans Of Parties: UPA:-Secularism NDA:-Hindu Rashtar OTHERS:-Rural Deviopment MANIFESTO:- UPA:-The congress president Mrs Sonia Gandhi and prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh realeasd the party manifesto,the menifestolists some promises wit h special focus on miniortes,dalits and tribal communities. Reiteraing its national rural employment gaurntee act schamethe congress has promised 100 days work for Rs 100a day,as an entitlement under MNAREGA.The congres has promised to enact a right to food law that gurantee food for all. lt has announced that every family living below poverty line will be entaitled 25 kg of rice or wheat per month at rate of3 3 per kg. The manifesto subsieded community kitchens,which will be set up in all cities for homeless peoples and migrants,with the support of the central govt. In the health sector,congress has declared that every family living below poverty line will be overed by the rashtrya swasthy bima youJna over the next three years. he party has promised social security cover for the disabaled,the elderly,urban home less,released bonded labourers,members of primitive tribalgroups and membersof the most backward dalit communites. S In order to woo the miniorites community,the congress pl ans to implement reservation for miniortes,on the basis of social and economic backwardness govt Jobs and educational institutions. The party has promised to set up an equal opportunity commission to ensure that the sachar commission recommendations are implemented and the miniortes are not deprived in any atter.The party has reterated the contenation promise of implementing33 % reservation for womens in parliament and he state legislature ,which it had to failed promised to reserve one third of all central govtJobs for womens. The congress has promised free education from primary till the university education for students from dali and tribalcommnites. continuing its incentives for the schedule castesand schedule tribe communites. To cheak communal and caste related violence,congress has proposed a law that empower the nationalhuman rights commission to monitor nvestigation and trail in all such cases.Declering a zero tolarence policy towards terrorism. The party has focused on its core areas of farmers ,womens,the socially backword sections. Through its wide range of promises,the congress is trying to projecta govt which will work on inclusive growth,encompassing all sections of society. NDA: 1,To develop a prosperous powerful Nation. 2,for stability and secular india needs a decive leader. 3,National security fear shall no longer stalk this land. 3,Engaging the world India' voice shall be heared.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Free Essays on Superbowl Commercials

Every year people anticipate America’s largest sports event to come. This year I actually joined the anticipated, hoping to laugh and enjoy the spectacle. I love the Super Bowl for one reason and that is the commercials. Finally, I get to write about the only thing I like about the Super Bowl. After watching Sundays game I have chosen two commercials, one I loved and one that turned my stomach. To begin with, I cannot stand any corporation that takes advantage of a tragedy. Throughout the commercial breaks I noticed many of the corporations were marketing there products through September 11, 2001 tragedy. One particular one was done by using Mayor RudyGuliani. It began with Rudy talking from the heart about how strong the people of New York have been, which I am glad to hear. The only problem I had with this is it ended with as the closing scene. What the hell does a awful tragedy that devastated this country have to do with finding a job. Try to think about what we should do about the situation do not try to market off of the death of thousands of innocent people. The one company that went with their own idea and not the use of September 11, 2001 was They began every commercial with a close up of an intimidating man preparing for what looked to be like a football game. As it panned out you noticed the black under his eyes was makeup and he along with four others were dressed in pink butterfly outfits. This commercial caught my attention by beginning seriously and ending in one of the funniest sites of all time. All they were doing was setting there pitch and leading you on to the E*Trade Halftime Show. They did not use the tragedy and focused on making people laugh. We all know what happened in New York and the Super Bowl is a time to forget about what happened at least for one night. Previous Super Bowl commercials were made to make you laugh not to make you upset.... Free Essays on Superbowl Commercials Free Essays on Superbowl Commercials Every year people anticipate America’s largest sports event to come. This year I actually joined the anticipated, hoping to laugh and enjoy the spectacle. I love the Super Bowl for one reason and that is the commercials. Finally, I get to write about the only thing I like about the Super Bowl. After watching Sundays game I have chosen two commercials, one I loved and one that turned my stomach. To begin with, I cannot stand any corporation that takes advantage of a tragedy. Throughout the commercial breaks I noticed many of the corporations were marketing there products through September 11, 2001 tragedy. One particular one was done by using Mayor RudyGuliani. It began with Rudy talking from the heart about how strong the people of New York have been, which I am glad to hear. The only problem I had with this is it ended with as the closing scene. What the hell does a awful tragedy that devastated this country have to do with finding a job. Try to think about what we should do about the situation do not try to market off of the death of thousands of innocent people. The one company that went with their own idea and not the use of September 11, 2001 was They began every commercial with a close up of an intimidating man preparing for what looked to be like a football game. As it panned out you noticed the black under his eyes was makeup and he along with four others were dressed in pink butterfly outfits. This commercial caught my attention by beginning seriously and ending in one of the funniest sites of all time. All they were doing was setting there pitch and leading you on to the E*Trade Halftime Show. They did not use the tragedy and focused on making people laugh. We all know what happened in New York and the Super Bowl is a time to forget about what happened at least for one night. Previous Super Bowl commercials were made to make you laugh not to make you upset....

Monday, October 21, 2019

Juvenile Recidivism and Restitution essays

Juvenile Recidivism and Restitution essays Develop a list of reasons why restitution should reduce recidivism and a list of reasons why it might not. Does restitution make sense to you? In the response to the high rise in crime, most states have adopted a "get tough" response to juveniles that focuses solely on punishment. However, many states, strive to maintain a balance between reducing crime and helping young offenders to learn from their mistakes and avoid possible incarceration in the future. A restitution program is a court diversion program that was developed in collaboration with the Juvenile Justice System. The purpose of the program is to provide an alternative to prosecution for first-time juvenile offenders, in certain misdemeanor cases. The focus of the program is to enable youth who have been arrested for committing a crime (e.g. burglary; vandalism; minor assault or other misdemeanors), to meet face to face with the victim and work out a payment plan for the damage suffered by the victim. The program provides all parties in a juvenile offense (the victim, the offending juvenile, and the juvenile's parents or guardians) the opportunity to work out an acceptable plan that directly addresses the harm caused by the criminal act. As a court diversion program, the juvenile restitution program also provides an alternative to criminal prosecution and the exigencies of the criminal justice system. As a diversion program, the offender may avoid criminal prosecution, court appearances, sentencing alternatives and a record of criminal conviction. Likewise, the victim is not subjected to the rigors involved in a legal case, and may have a better opportunity for direct compensation. The victims are often schools, parks, or other government bodies, as well as private shop owners and property owners. The victims and juvenile offenders are often from the same neighborhood or the same general part of the island. Victims and the parents of the juvenile offenders report...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Discover More About Polyplacophora

Discover More About Polyplacophora The term Polyplacophora refers to a class of marine life that are part of the mollusk family. The tongue-twisting word is Latin for many plates. The animals in this class are commonly known as chitons  and they have eight overlapping plates, or valves, on their flat, elongated shells. About 800 species of chitons have been described. Most of these animals live in the intertidal zone. Chitons may be from 0.3 to 12 inches long. Under their shell plates, chitons have a mantle, bordered by a girdle or skirt. They may also have spines or hairs. The shell allows the creature to protect itself, but the overlapping design also lets it flex in an upwards motion and move. Chitons can also curl up into a ball.  Because of this, the shell provides protection at the same time as permitting the chiton to flex upward when it needs to move. How Polyplacophora Reproduce There are male and female chitons, and they reproduce by releasing sperm and eggs into the water. The eggs may be fertilized in the water or the female may retain the eggs, which are then fertilized by sperm that enters along with water as the female respires. Once the eggs are fertilized, they become free-swimming larvae and then turn into a juvenile chiton. Here are a few more facts that we know about Polyplacophora: The word is pronounced  poly-plac-o-for-a.Chitons are  also referred to as  sea cradles  or coat-of-mail shells. Other names they are recognized by include loricates,  polyplacophorans and  polyplacophores.These creatures are not commonly seen by beach-goers, as they live in rock crevices or under rocks. They can also live on rocks.Polyplacophora are found in cold waters and in tropical waters. Some live in tidal zones and can hold up to air exposure for periods of time. Others can live as deep as 20,000 feet under the surface of the water.They are only found in salt water.  They like to stay close to home and exhibit homing, which means they travel to feed and then return to the same spot.  People eat these sea creatures. They are commonly served throughout the Caribbean islands in places such as Tobago, Aruba, Barbados, Bermuda, and Trinidad. People in North and South America also eat them, as well as those in the Philippines.Similar to a mussel, they have a muscula r foot that allows them to move. Also like a mussel, they have strong adhesion powers and can cling quite powerfully to rocks in the ocean. There are both male and female chitons, and they reproduce externally.They eat everything from algae and diatoms to barnacles and bacteria. References: Campbell, A. and D. Fautin. 2001. ​Polyplacophora (Online), Animal Diversity Web. Accessed August 23, 2010.The Polyplacophora (Online). Man and Mollusc. Accessed August 23, 2010.Martinez, Andrew J. 2003. Marine Life of the North Atlantic. Aqua Quest Publications, Inc., New YorkUniversity of California Museum of Paleontology. The Polyplacophora (Online). Accessed August 23, 2010.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Marketing 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Marketing 3 - Essay Example This first recommendation makes sure that the product will have the taste and flavour benefits consumers expect of these products so that researchers can understand what portions of the new cola to redevelop or reflavour. This type of preliminary research should be conducted to improve the market availability to the RedBull brand of products and can be conducted with other ongoing integrated communications campaign that are having success. In the current marketing environment, viral marketing represents a low-cost business activity to create buzz about the brand. There is also, as identified earlier in the report, a shifting trend of consumers to favour natural drinks and those that claim natural benefits to health. It is recommended that the company develop a new website which only focuses on these benefits of RedBull products, especially since there is often mixed media reports about the potential health benefits of the brand. Through strategic alliances or other type of partnerships with lifestyle organisations, such as natural foods distributors, agreements can be developed which put RedBull advertisements on favourite UK natural foods-related companies. By linking to other natural foods organisations, RedBull can secure low-cost advertising space, create long-lasting strategic relationships with community or online vendors, and also use the linked website to create informational or humorous videos about the produ ct’s natural benefits. Seeking these partnerships can involve speaking with community distributors of RedBull products or pursuing online consulting meetings with interested parties looking to partner in this fashion with dual advertising campaigns. Because RedBull faces so much competition, both for its current brands on the market and those under consideration for the future, it is important to clearly differentiate the brand from other

Friday, October 18, 2019

Personal ethos statment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Personal ethos statment - Essay Example An empathetic individual should be concerned about others’ plight and ready to help when called to duty. This I believe should be the key character of a rational person. I trust honest effort based on commitment and dedication to achieve a set mission in life. Attaining life visions, I believe, is always a possibility when an individual hopes for the best. Kindness rewards. Coupled with patience, kindness is a virtue that is indispensable in the life of every individual. Everyone should embrace the urge to give back to as a way of being thankful. Whoever is not thankful, I believe, does not deserve help. I believe disrespect is a disappointment to good character. Character makes an individual and influences success, being a vital aspect of life. I believe in my exceptional character and morality. My integrity is perfect with a great attitude to strive and attain my best. No doubt, a strong character of kindness, hope, readiness to struggle, hope to attain life visions are esse ntial for

Women Rising From the Ashes of War Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Women Rising From the Ashes of War - Essay Example Women Rising From the Ashes of War When World War Two broke out, it was a signal that turbulent times were ahead. Men were recruited to fight for their countries. Women had no choice but to let go of their men. It was unknown to everyone what the future will bring, but when the war broke out, it seemed that a bleak tomorrow threatened the world. Women, in particular, assailed by a series of unending attacks to their humanity and had to claw at what appears to be a hint of hope for survival. Class distinctions broke down and the formerly rich women adjusted to life’s painful realities that they had to live like the rest of the commoners. â€Å"Mass observation surveys conducted during 1941 found that many who advocated conscription believed it would force ‘idle rich girls’ to work.† (Smith: 215) The war demanded enormous manpower, not just in the armed forces, but also in industry. Millions of men joined the forces, which left many industries without a satisfactory workforce. The government realised that this shortfall had to be filled, approximately one and a half million workers were needed in munitions alone and it was vital to keep up the production of essential wartime machinery and equipment. The government therefore, took the decision to draft women into ‘men’s’ jobs, just as they had done during the First World War, in an attempt to keep production at a steady level. The new realities faced by the women necessitated that they likewise take part in the war effort in any capacity they can. Most women had to leave their homes to work in a variety of occupations.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Christianity and Non-Christian Religions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Christianity and Non-Christian Religions - Essay Example The group is known for executing anybody who does not ascribe to the teachings of Christianity. Some constitutions of the world, do not respect this concept of religious tolerance and they have formed the Islamic states. An example is Saudi-Arabia and Sudan, which recognize Sharia law, as their supreme law (Mearsheimer and Stephen, 153). However, it is important to denote that Islam tolerates other religions. In fact, Prophet Mohammed was able to provide security to people of other religions, and this is mainly Christians. According to the principles of Christianity, there is a need of promoting unity amongst the mankind. Mankind has very many issues in common. One area of commonality is their same origin. People were created by God, and hence it is important to respect each other despite the religions that they are coming from. In fact, the Muslims believe that the same God that Christians worship is the same as the one they worship. The only difference emanates from the belief in t he Son-ship of Jesus Christ. In Western European countries such as United Kingdom, France, etc, there is freedom of worship and religion (Mearsheimer and Stephen, 135). These countries do not prevent anyone from worshipping their God, as long as their practice does not breach on the rights of others. United States is also another country that believes in the freedom of religion. This is because tolerating the religious views of others is a sure way of living in harmony and peace. Â   Â   Â   Â  

The impact of environmental laws on property management in the UK Dissertation

The impact of environmental laws on property management in the UK - Dissertation Example Projections are given in regards to the overall success in a broad sense of the present model of progress benchmarks along the way towards safer industry and human activity with respect to Earth's ecosystems. These needs are compared with the goals and interests of property owners. Table of Contents Declaration †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.4 Preface †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.4 Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.4 Literature Review Part One †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.5 Literature Review Part Two †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.35 Literature Review Part Three †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.45 Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.59 Findings †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.59 Conclusion and Recommendations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.61 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.65 Declaration As a part of the European Union, the United Kingdom must adapt existing territor ial legislation into harmony with existing environmental policy. Most modern environmental legislation in Europe is passed down from United Nations International treaties, to be ratified by the European Union, and disseminated for review to individual nation states. All property owners have an obligation to respond to environmental policies and regulations, even those not engaged in heavy industrial waste production. Preface This study constitutes an analysis of environmental regulations as they exist in the United Kingdom pertaining to housing and property management. The practice of environmental regulation and enforcement is detailed. Findings, conclusions and recommendations follow the primary literature review. Introduction The most basic definition of the environment would be that which is not ourselves, and yet we all live in a world of interconnectedness and interrelationships were all are affected by the actions of others whether or not we are aware of them. A more detailed legal definition is in order, however: "Environment shall mean the space with all living organisms and natural resources, natural and man-made values, their interaction and the entire space in which people live and in which settlements, goods in general use, industrial and other facilities, including the media in the areas of the environment, are situated. " (Home, 2007) It is reasonable suppose that any contrived separation of any individual or organization from the environment is an illusion. And it is thus the responsibility of all citizens, and all commercial enterprises to cultivate a principle of stewardship for and within their greater environment. This study will relate principally to environmental policies pertaining to property ownership in the United Kingdom, specifically the rules and regulations in regards to legal compliance with environmental laws relevant to both residential and commercial property owners. The intent of environmental policy will be described in acco rdance with United Nations and European Union mandates which are then disseminated into laws by the various member nations. The means by which these laws are implemented, the challenges in their implementation, and the ramifications of these legal principles for the environment and for the rights of property owners shall be detailed. Literature Review Part One There is no doubt as to the necessity of a certain responsible level of environmental regulation in the field of housing and property management. The importance of environmental controls can be regularly seen in clean air and pristine water, especially when it is contrasted

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Risk Management College Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Risk Management College - Essay Example When the market goes up by 10%, stock B goes down by 3%. A combination of the two stocks will reduce total potential returns (since stock B is under-performing), but also reduce portfolio viability as compared to market changes. Whereas the two stocks are influenced by the market (which is the very definition of systematic risk), they change in opposite directions, which will reduce total portfolio risk. No, portfolio diversification to betas cannot entirely remove potential market risks. While unsystematic risks are eliminated in a larger portfolio, market risks still that affect most of the assets/stocks in a portfolio are not. Even entirely diversified portfolio stocks are vulnerable to market changes. Furthermore, beta coefficients are more reliable for short-term risk-assessment and can be misleading in the long-run. This is so, because beta coefficients mostly reflect past price movements, and are not reliable indicators for assets/stocks with no or recent price history (McClure, B., 2004) IPO, or the Initial Price Offering is the process of bringing private companies to the public market for the first time. The IPO represents a significant stage in the growth of a company, because it provides access to public capital markets and increases company credibility and exposure. Companies usually decide to go public because they need access to additional capital to implement long-term business strategies or use funds for acquisitions. Furthermore, this is capital that does not have to be repaid and does not involve interest payments. IPO also gives opportunities for new future stock offerings. Companies go public also to get media attention. Nowadays IPOs are used as marketing instruments to increase public awareness, and enhance brand name recognition. In other cases companies may go public to change management style and settle managerial problems using the challenging approach of capital restructuring. Task 4: What Steps Are Involved With Taking A Company Public When a company wants to offer their stock to the general public for the first time, the first step is the announcement of its intent (1), and then it usually asks an "underwriter"(2) - usually an investment banking company - to undertake this operation - in return for a fee. The underwriter agrees to pay the issuer a certain number of shares at a certain price, and then resell those shares to buyers. The underwriter and the issuer set a tentative date, and issue a preliminary prospectus (3) is with financial and business information about the issuer. The underwriter then gives presentations to people from the brokerage industry (4) to present good investment opportunities. The issuer then releases the stock to the underwriter (5), and the underwriter releases the stoc

The impact of environmental laws on property management in the UK Dissertation

The impact of environmental laws on property management in the UK - Dissertation Example Projections are given in regards to the overall success in a broad sense of the present model of progress benchmarks along the way towards safer industry and human activity with respect to Earth's ecosystems. These needs are compared with the goals and interests of property owners. Table of Contents Declaration †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.4 Preface †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.4 Introduction †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.4 Literature Review Part One †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.5 Literature Review Part Two †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.35 Literature Review Part Three †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.45 Methodology †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.59 Findings †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.59 Conclusion and Recommendations †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.61 References †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. p.65 Declaration As a part of the European Union, the United Kingdom must adapt existing territor ial legislation into harmony with existing environmental policy. Most modern environmental legislation in Europe is passed down from United Nations International treaties, to be ratified by the European Union, and disseminated for review to individual nation states. All property owners have an obligation to respond to environmental policies and regulations, even those not engaged in heavy industrial waste production. Preface This study constitutes an analysis of environmental regulations as they exist in the United Kingdom pertaining to housing and property management. The practice of environmental regulation and enforcement is detailed. Findings, conclusions and recommendations follow the primary literature review. Introduction The most basic definition of the environment would be that which is not ourselves, and yet we all live in a world of interconnectedness and interrelationships were all are affected by the actions of others whether or not we are aware of them. A more detailed legal definition is in order, however: "Environment shall mean the space with all living organisms and natural resources, natural and man-made values, their interaction and the entire space in which people live and in which settlements, goods in general use, industrial and other facilities, including the media in the areas of the environment, are situated. " (Home, 2007) It is reasonable suppose that any contrived separation of any individual or organization from the environment is an illusion. And it is thus the responsibility of all citizens, and all commercial enterprises to cultivate a principle of stewardship for and within their greater environment. This study will relate principally to environmental policies pertaining to property ownership in the United Kingdom, specifically the rules and regulations in regards to legal compliance with environmental laws relevant to both residential and commercial property owners. The intent of environmental policy will be described in acco rdance with United Nations and European Union mandates which are then disseminated into laws by the various member nations. The means by which these laws are implemented, the challenges in their implementation, and the ramifications of these legal principles for the environment and for the rights of property owners shall be detailed. Literature Review Part One There is no doubt as to the necessity of a certain responsible level of environmental regulation in the field of housing and property management. The importance of environmental controls can be regularly seen in clean air and pristine water, especially when it is contrasted

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Gender relationships in one of the two course plays Essay Example for Free

Gender relationships in one of the two course plays Essay Show how gender relationships in one of the two course plays is used by the playwright to throw light on our understanding of the main character, and the overall themes of the play. A view from the bridge is based in Brooklyn, an Italian community set in the 1950s. This particular part of the 20th century was seen as a rather sexist era. Men were a lot more dominant, women were known to stay at home cooking and cleaning-like every wife seems to do today! However aside from that, men felt like they had to be men all the time. They felt like if they expressed their feelings, talked about their troubles or cried, these men would be laughed at and ridiculed. Eddie Carbone is a hard working longshoreman who works on the docks in his local area. Eddie is a typical bloke; he is a proud and stubborn man but is a loving husband to his wife Beatrice and a caring father figure to his niece Catherine. To the audience in the first part of the play Eddies comes across as the typical over protective father, however as the play progresses his feelings for Catherine become obvious that they are a lot heavier than what we are led to believe. Throughout the play we discover Eddie has fallen in love with his niece but his feelings are not sexual, in my opinion it is an obsessive need that cant be controlled as realized by Alfieri, Something perversely pure calls to me from his memory not purely good, but himself purely, for he allowed himself to be wholly known. Alfieri realizes his feelings for Catherine are exceptionally powerful and that their would be nothing that Eddie could do to control them or dissolve them. Eddie tries to open up to Alfieri but cant quite get the words out of what he wants to say. There is also one other particular part of the play when Eddie goes to see Alfieri in his office. Eddie goes to seek advice in order to prevent Catherine from marrying Rodolpho. Alfieri subtly mentions Eddies feelings but doesnt quite mention them in so many words. Alfieri says, When the law is wrong its because it is unnatural, but in this case it is natural and a river will drown you if you buck it now. Let her go. Alfieri is saying that it is illegal for Eddie to get involved with Catherine sexually. It goes against the natural order. However the only advice Alfieri can give is to turn Rodolpho and Marco in to immigration, but with them being family it wouldnt be a wise move. Eddies love for Catherine is so strong that he is willing to go to any means necessary to stop her marrying Rodolpho, making the call to immigration the only way out of the predicament. Eddie calls immigration, aware of his betrayal to Beatrice but he is doing it out of love for Catherine. Beatrice also realizes Eddies feelings for Catherine, in one [particular scene Eddie ad Beatrice have a slight disagreement over Catherine which later leads to an argument over lack of sex. Beatrice wants to know, When am I gonna be a wife again, Eddie? Beatrice says it in this context rather than come straight out and says when are we going to have sex again. This way avoids embarrassment but still gets the point across without having to actually say it. Beatrice wants to talk about what is happening but she cant get Eddie to open up to her. Eddies feelings are putting a strain on the marriage, sexually, physically and emotionally. But Eddie,

Monday, October 14, 2019

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining

Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Melchor Abejon With the increasing use of electronic health records (EHR), data collection in many Health Care Organizations (HCOs) has improved and accumulated at a remarkable pace. EHRs have enabled HCOs to generate and collect a vast amount of data and information from their daily encounter of patients. And this is when Health Informatics (HI) comes into play- to develop and employ computational theories, tools and techniques that can assist in extracting useful information and knowledge from these volumes of data, and use this knowledge to uncover useful patterns and to create models that can enhance decision-making and processes in the healthcare and HI industry. This process is called the Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDDM). The purpose of this paper is to give an overview on why KDDM is a necessity in the healthcare and HI industry, and also to discuss how the aforementioned technique continues to improve the healthcare and HI industry. Benefits of KDDM in the Healthcare Industry The abundance of data and information in healthcare had made KDDM a necessity. According to Taranu (2015), with the growing rate of data accumulation in HCOs, there is a need for expert analysis of these vast medical data. The ability to use these data in order to extract useful information is a key factor for many health institutions to establish quality healthcare. Listed below are some of the benefits of KDDM in the healthcare industry: Increase in the accuracy of diagnoses. The use of predictive algorithms can help healthcare providers such as the physicians to make diagnosis more accurate and decide for the appropriate treatment for their patients. Prediction of patient population risk. KDDM enables the creation of programs and risk models that can be employed to recognize and detect high-risk patients and chronic diseases. Because of this, healthcare providers are able to design the right clinical intervention for their patients. Reduction in the rate of hospital admissions and readmissions. The creation of algorithm and predictive analytics can enable the identification of patients who are at high risk for hospital admissions, thus enabling providers to design more efficient clinical interventions to better treat their patients. Enhancement of clinical decision support. KDDM enables the comparison of symptoms, causes, treatments and analysis of effective clinical intervention for a group of patients. Prevention of diseases and promotion of general public health. The application of predictive analytics particularly in genomics can aid physicians to recognize their patients who are highly at risk of certain diseases. Also, through predictive analytics, pharmaceutical companies are able to develop drugs that suit the needs for specific groups of people. Better patient-related decisions and patient satisfaction. The identification of usage patterns, preferences and the current and future needs of patients can give information that will assist staff in their interaction with their patients. Patients will also be happy because they will be receiving a treatment that will really work for them. Detection of medical insurance fraud and abuse. The detection of unusual claims patterns can assist insurance companies in the detection of medical insurance fraud and abuse. Benefits of KDDM in the Health Informatics Industry According to Shukla, Patel and Sen (2014), HI can be subdivided into four main subfields which are the (a) clinical care, (b) administration of health services, (c) medical research, and (d) education and training; and that each subfield and can be extended and improved with the application of KDDM. Clinical care. One of the applications of HI in healthcare is in the aspect of clinical decision-making through the implementation of the Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS). This computer program is designed to assist healthcare providers in making clinical decisions through (a) information retrieval, (b) alert systems, (c) reminders, (d) suggestion systems, and (e) prediction models. The application of KDDM techniques on the database will render health providers analytical tools and as well as predictive tools that go beyond what is evident from the surface of the data. For example, predictive models can assist physicians to decide whether a certain patient would be treated as inpatient or as an outpatient. Administration of health services. Being an administrator of a healthcare entity can be a very tough job as this position requires daily critical decision making. The quality of information that these critical decisions are based on is an essential factor for this job. The KDDM technique can help in the creation of systems that can predict disease outbreaks, and can give representation of the benefits and the costs of the different preventive measures that are effective against a disease outbreak. Medical research. The application of KDDM is very successful in the medical research. Data mining methods can be applied on the vast medical data to extract useful patterns, predictive scoring systems and cause and effect relationships. Nelson and Staggers (2014, p.56) states KDDM can also be used to patch weaknesses in clinical data that pose a barrier to research. Education and training. E-learning is one of the rapidly growing method of learning in the healthcare and even in the HI industry. The application of KDDM in e-learning can efficiently monitor the progress in the learning process and as well as enhance the learning experience of students, administrators, and educators by recommending different learning methods, resources, and study materials. For educators, it can provide objective feedback about the course and students learning patterns. For administrators, they can learn about the users behavior, so that servers can be optimized and network traffic can be distributed. Through KDDM, the effectiveness of educational programs can be efficiently assessed. Conclusion With the growing accumulation of data in healthcare, no wonder KDDM will continue to be an indispensable tool than can be utilized to extract knowledge and insightful patterns which are essential in the development of systems and models to improve the safety and quality of healthcare. And as the use of health information systems continue to grow, KDDM will continue to mend the weaknesses and imperfections in clinical data to make these data more usable for the benefit of the healthcare and HI industry. References Crockett, D., Johnson, R., Eliason, B. (2014). What is data mining in healthcare? Retrieved January 15, 2017, from Fayyad, U., Shapiro, P., and Smyth, P. (1996). From data mining to knowledge discovering in databases. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from Miner, L.A. (2014). Seven ways predictive analytics can improve healthcare. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from Nelson, R. Staggers, N. (2014). Health Informatics: An Interprofessional Approach. St. Louis, MO.: Elsevier Mosby Shukla, D.P., Patel, S.P., Sen, A.K. (2014). A literature review in health informatics using data mining techniques. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from Taranut, I.(2015). Data mining in healthcare: Decision making and precision. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from The Modeling Agency (2015). How data mining is helping healthcare. Retrieved January 15, 2017, from

Sunday, October 13, 2019

In this cold generation :: essays papers

In this cold generation In this cold generation, called "Generation X," where young men and women find themselves lost wondering what to do with their life, finding a passion for something, a passion that rules your life, is very important. I found out in my interview with Phil Gervais that unlike many of his generation he has a direction. He looks like any other 18 year old, but he is different because in some way he has what many of us lack: he knows what he wants. He wants to become a firefighter. Phil has found a passion that rules his life. Phil is pursuing a major in Social Rehabilitation but as soon as he finishes college, he will apply for a job with the Fire Department in his hometown of Ware Massachusetts. How did Phil develop this passion? Phil's desire to become a firefighter is an inherited trait because for generations many members of his family served as firefighters. This family legacy remarkably influenced Phil's choices in life. His grandfather Ernie, an emigrant from Canada, became the first one to enroll as a volunteer firefighter. Then his father, his uncle and finally his aunt all became firefighters. Phil used to go with his father when he answered his fire calls. While accompanying his father in 1992, a time when Phil was only 8 years old, he saw a victim of a fire for the first time. His first encounter with a dead person did not discourage him from the idea of becoming a firefighter. How did it happen? One afternoon he went with his father to the scene of a fire and there he suddenly saw in the middle of the floor a dead body of one of the victims of the fire. Partially covered with a blanket, Phil could only see a few burned spots on the hands. Nevertheless, he was not scared. While accompanying his father on many fire calls, Phil heard many terrible noises and he felt the heat of the fire. He saw tragic sights such as the dead body on many occasions. These scenes became commonplace during his childhood. Now eighteen years old, Phil works as a volunteer firefighter in his hometown. Only last week he was able to put his training to practice in a real fire call.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Islam Essay -- essays research papers

the Islamic Congress's president, Mohamed Elmasry. Mr. Elmasry said there are bad Muslims just as there are bad Christians and Jews. "We treat them as such and so should you. But Islam is a religion of peace. Muslims have a religious duty to be tolerant of other faiths and other ideologies.'' Mr. Elmasry said journalists need to differentiate between the peaceful teachings of Islam and the claims of some Muslim extremists that their actions are justified by their interpretations of Islam. He likened the situation of Canadian Muslims today to that of Canadian Jews 50 years ago. "Jewish children were being (wrongly) called Christ-killers just as Muslim children are called terrorists today.'' In their letter to the editor in the April 27 issue of the College Hill Independent, Jumana Musa and Shadi Nahvi made some excellent points. They rightly asserted that the Western press tends to portray Arabs and Muslims according to stereotypes and these myths persist partly due to West ern popular ignorance about Arabs and Muslims. Since the Muslims students at Brown condemned the bombing of a Tel Aviv bus last year, I am learning to separate the handful of Muslim and Arab extremists who commit terrorist attacks against Israeli and Jewish civilians from the millions of Muslim believers who do not participate in this violence and sometimes express opposition to it. Since I began interacting with Muslims students through the kosher/hallal meal plan this year, I am changing my perceptions of Muslims and seeing them as people instead of abstractions. I think that many, many people in the United States and in western countries, in Europe, are afraid of a monster called Islam. And as the honorable Congressman Dana Rohrabacher said, it is an insult to consider the whole of Muslims, to take them into one side, and make them extremists. Really it is not correct. It is a little bit insulting. What is the definition of extremism? We can see in all of history: even when the f irst settlers came to the United States they were from different countries; Spain, England, France, European Countries. They were fighting on this land and fighting with the Indians. Do we call this extremism? A fight for a better living, which you understand you are doing not for a religious motive, is not extremism. Extremism in Islam, or in religion, is when you use religion to label intolerance, to... ... in the whole world. The US today as a result of the arrogant atmosphere has set a double standard, calling whoever goes against its injustice a terrorist. It wants to occupy our countries, steal our resources, impose on us agents to rule us based not on what God has revealed and wants us to agree on all these. If we refuse to do so, it will say you are terrorists. The US does not consider it a terrorist act to throw atomic bombs at nations thousands of miles away, when it would not be possible for those bombs to hit military troops only. The US does not consider it terrorism when hundreds of thousands of our sons and brothers in Iraq died for lack of food or medicine. It is known that every action has its reaction. If the American presence continues, and that is an action, then it is natural for reactions to continue against this presence. In other words, explosions and killings of the American soldiers would continue. A man with human feelings in his heart does not distinguish between a child killed in Palestine or in Lebanon, in Iraq or in Bosnia. So how can we believe your claims that you came to save our children in Somalia while you kill our children in all of those places?

Friday, October 11, 2019

Explore the Relationship Shown Towards Curley’s Wife by Crooks and Candy

Explore the relationship shown towards Curley’s wife by Crooks and Candy. Section 4 In the extract given Crooks and Candy talk to Curley’s wife. In the extract we see Curley’s wife approach crooks and Candy and we see the relationship between them and how it explores how they have no respect for Curley’s wife.In the extract crooks approaches and insults Curley’s wife, which is quite significant as he is a black man and in the 1930’s Many black people were not respected and treated badly so the fact he has the courage to stand up to Curley’s wife suggests that he loathes her and does not care whether he gets in troubles as he disrespects her and does not care about her, this suggests that the relationship between crooks and Curleys wife is that Crooks is not showing any respect to Curleys wife even though he is black and she is white which states that he doesn’t care about hierarchy if someone is disloyal to their husband.Candy a lso has a similar relationship with Curley’s wife as he also gets angry when she enters crooks’ room he says â€Å"if you were to do that we’d tell† this suggests that even though he does not get angry and even though he is a fragile old man he still believes that he can tell off Curley’s wife however he then backs down as he realises that a black man and an old fragile man cannot do anything against her so they both back down and we see the true nature of Curley’s wife as she gets angry.When Candy and Crooks start to retaliate against Curleys wife she becomes angry and authorative as she says to crooks â€Å"Listen nigger; you know what I can do to you if you open your trap† the fact Steinbeck uses words like nigger suggests she does not respect him at all and believes is not worth anything and she then refers to his mouth being a â€Å"trap† which suggests that she thinks that he is not supposed to be respected and his mouth is like a trap as it will get her trapped if he says anything but it can also be seen as a insult as it is so disgusting it traps anything so we see that there is no respect towards Crooks.However when she approaches Candy she is slightly more respectful as he is white and old so she cannot be mean but rather she threatens him as she sys â€Å"nobody’d listen to you† which threatens him as she says that even if she did something nobody would trust a old man or a â€Å"Nigger† Lennie is also present in the room while this conversation is going on however he does not say anything as previously in the book George told him to stay away from her but Lennie does say â€Å"I wishGeorge was here† this states that he feels insecure and troubled with her around her and wants George there for advice and protection which reinstates his innocence towards anyone however candy does comfort him as he says â€Å"don’t you worry none† which suggests that Cand y cares and wants to look after Lennie as he is his new business partner in their true American dream towards buying their own ranch, however this shows how curleys wife scares Lennie as he was told to stay away he finds her scary and as he wants to â€Å"tend the rabbits† doesn’t want to get in trouble.To conclude the relationship between curleys wife and crooks and candy is, Crooks and candy stand up to her as they hate and disrespect her so much for being disloyal however as crooks is a nigger and candy is an old man they find out they have no poor to the ranch boss’s son’s wife so they understand there is nothing to do about her so they just silently hate her and don’t say anything as they know they have no authority over her, so for the safety of their life and job they do nothing.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Thomas Friedman †Generation Q

Journal: Thomas Friedman – Generation Q This article by Thomas Friedman covers how our generation, ‘Generation Q’, is the â€Å"quiet generation† that holds ideals and hopes that can change the world – if only we weren’t so quiet. Friedman explains that our generation has a various range of idealism but we are not brave enough to come forth and express our points. In his opinion we are not as outraged as we should be. Friedman’s claim is not something new; he is more elaborate by specifying the problem, which is on politics.Friedman explains that we need to get offline and get active within the community to truly make any politicians listen to what we need as the next coming generation. He feels our generation has become too quiet because of what technology has brought. He criticizes our generation by saying we waste time on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. I agree that various social networking sites aren’t going to help us solve problems such as global warming.However, I strongly believe that technology has many positives that Friedman fails to recognize. He talks a lot about what his generation used to do, however he does not take into consideration that there are many factors that have differentiated ‘Generation Q’ from his generation. I feel it is also worth noting that our generation is raised with much emphasis given to higher education. This is mainly why most students are concerned with their collegiate bubble! After reading this article I would propose a few questions to Friedman.Firstly, why should ‘Generation Q’ be help responsible to clean the mess earlier generations left behind? Secondly, how do you expect college students to sort out political issues when we already have our hands full with college? Lastly, have you considered the empowering nature of technology in the world today? For example, it can do wonders to spread awareness. Friedman put a lot of expectation for ‘Generation Q’ to be as identical as his generation. He must realize that each generation has their own way to be politically active.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Examine Some of the Reasons Why Females Commit Less Crimes Than Males.

Examine some of the reasons why females may be less likely than males to commit crimes. Women in general seem to have a lower rate of offending than men. Some sociologists take the view that it is social factors rather than biological factors that cause the gender differences in offending. Sociologists have put forward three main explanations of gender differences in crime, which are the sex role theory, the control theory and the liberation thesis.The sex role theory and the control theory both give us explanations for why females are less likely than males to commit crimes, however the Liberation thesis argues this, and suggests there are no gender differences between male and female crime rates. Gender differences in crime began by focussing on differences in the socialisation of males and females. Boys are encouraged to be tough, aggressive and risk taking. This means they are more disposed to commit acts of violence and take advantage of criminal opportunities when they present themselves to them.Parson’s traced down differences in crime and deviance to the gender roles in nuclear families. Whilst men take the instrumental role of a breadwinner, women perform the expressive role in the home where they take the main responsibility to socialise the children. As girls have access to an adult role model and boys to not it means that, boys are likely to reject feminine models of behaviour that express tenderness, gentleness and emotion and distance themselves by engaging in ‘compensatory compulsory masculinity’ through aggression and anti-social behaviour that lead to acts of delinquency more than women.Furthermore, new right theorists argue that the absence of male role models in matrifocal lone parent families leads to boys turning criminal. Also, men have much less of a socialising role than women in the conventional nuclear family; therefore socialisation for boys is much more difficult compared to girls. Cohen argued that this relative lack of an adult male role model meant boys are more likely to turn to all male street gangs as a source of masculine identity. In these subcultural groups, status is earned by acts of toughness, risk taking and delinquency.However, this sex role theory is criticized by Sandra Walklate for its biological assumptions. Walklate argues that Parson’s assumption is that because women have the biological capacity to bear children, they are best suited to the expressive role. Furthermore, it is argued mainly by control theorists that women always conform to men and their role as a housewife. Heidensohn expanded on this control theorist view and suggested, due to women being a part of a patriarchal society it reduces their opportunity to offend as the nuclear family lifestyle at home acts as a prison to them.He further notes that men are able to impose this control upon women through domestic violence and by controlling their finances it limits their activities. Daughters are also su bject to patriarchal control. Girls are less likely to be allowed to come and go as they please or to stay out late. As a result they develop a ‘bedroom culture’ socialising at home with friends rather than in public places, they are also required to do more housework than boys. As a result they have less opportunity to take part in deviant activities.Conversely, what Heidensohn doesn’t take on board is that modern relationships nowadays are much more equal and as the liberation theory argues, women have many opportunities outside the home and there has been a large increase in independence for women. On the other hand, the liberation thesis debates that if society becomes less patriarchal and more equal then women’s crime rates will become similar to men’s. Put forward by Adler, she suggests that as women become liberated from patriarchy their crimes will become as frequent and as serious as men’s.Women’s liberation has led to a new t ype of female criminal and a rise in the female crime rate. The changes in the structure of society according to Adler have led to changes in women’s offending behaviour. As patriarchal controls and discrimination have lessened, and opportunities in work and work have become more equal, women have begun to adopt traditionally ‘male’ roles in both legitimate activity(work) and illegitimate activity (crime). As a result, women no longer commit traditional ‘female’ crimes such as shoplifting and prostitution.They now also commit typically ‘male’ offences such as crimes of violence and white collar crimes. This is because of women’s greater self -confidence and assertiveness, and the fact they now have greater opportunities in the legitimate structure. For example, there are more women in senior positions at work and this gives them the opportunity to commit serious white collar crimes such as fraud. To support her view, Adler argued that the pattern of female crime has shifted.She cited studies showing rising levels of female participation in crimes previously regarded as ‘male’ such as embezzlement and armed robbery. Nevertheless, many critics reject Adler’s liberation thesis by arguing, the female crime rate began rising in the 1950’s long before the women’s liberation movement, which emerged in the late 1960’s. Also that most female criminals are working class; they are least likely to be influenced by women’s liberation, which has benefited middle class women much more.According to Chesney- Lind in the USA poor and marginalised women are more likely to be criminals compared to liberated women. On the whole, it is arguable that females do commit fewer crimes than males simply due to their roles as housewives and the patriarchal society we live in today. Despite this, it is still considered through the liberation thesis that there are no gender differences with the rates of crimes between males and females.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Coding Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Coding - Essay Example Further, coding plays an important role in the provision of government statistics. This comes to play during the budgeting of a country’s medical care, as the correct statistics are provided. For example, the government officials are aware of medications given, the number of people that passed on maybe because of certain diseases. It also offers a road map for the formulation of medical strategies that will help a nation curb vital illnesses. In addition, proper coding is important in ensuring that patients are forced to pay for the care they did not receive. Medical practitioners and insurance organizations can have a common understanding on the services provided and thus, the correct charges are made and paid (Capstone, 2010). Nurses are an essential part in the practice of medical care. They help in service delivery and assist doctors in a number of ways. They are often in contact with patients; this aspect of their work enables them to understand the patients more and offer them the necessary services. It also equips them with first hand information on the type of care the patients need in reference to their illness. This enables them to code the diagnosis appropriately. Moreover, before a patient is referred to a doctor, it is the duty of the nurse to offer first hand services, which put the nurses at an appropriate position to identify the type of care to be given to the patient (Shi & Singh, 2010). Additionally, being the ones to provide complete reports about patients to the doctors, nurses are professionally equipped and familiar with the importance of proper coding for record keeping. It is usually the responsibility of the nurses to offer comprehensive medical care; therefore, they have a duty to ensure the coding is appropriate to avoid mischarging the patients. They also proffer the accurate records for medication for the patient to the necessary authorities.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Multiple Regression Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Multiple Regression - Essay Example We use a State-wide data set that includes a record of property crimes rates (CRIMES) as well as a record on per capita income (PINCOME), school dropout rates (DROPOUT), precipitation amounts (PRECIP), percentage of public aid recipients (PUBAID), population density (DENSITY), public aid for families with kids in terms of dollars received (KIDS), percentage of unemployed workers (UNEMPLOY), percentage of population living in urban areas. The methodology that we use is that of multiple regression analysis to obtain the magnitude and signs of the coefficients and t and F-tests obtain whether the respective coefficients are significant, individually, or jointly. The regression equation we estimate is the following: (1) Results In this section we present the results of the analysis. Table 1 presents the results of the estimation of equation (1). Table 1: Results of simple OLS regression, all variables included Before interpreting the coefficients we look at the individual and joint signi ficances of the estimated coefficients. From the upper right hand panel we find that F(8, 41) = 11.43 and prob>F =0.000. Recall that the null hypothesis of the f-test is that all coefficients are jointly zero. From the computed statistic and the associated p-value we reject the null hypothesis. Thus, at least one of the parameters is non-zero. Now, from the lower panel in table 1 looking at the 3rd column (t-values) and the 4th column (p values) we can identify which coefficients are significantly different from zero. The null hypothesis of the t-test is that the coefficient in question is equal to zero while the alternative hypothesis is that it is non-zero. Recall that the 5% critical value for the two-sided t-test is 1.96. Looking at the elements from column 3 and 4, we find that only the variables DROPOUT, DENSITY and and URBAN are associated with coefficients that are statistically significantly different from zero. We fail to find evidence in the data that suggests that the nu ll hypothesis is false for the rest of the coefficients as well as the intercept. The upper right hand corner also presents the R-squared and the adjusted R-squared values which show that the fit is decent (anything greater than 50% on these scales is considered decent). In table 2 below, we take a look at whether our results may have been affected by the presence of multi-collnearity. The t-tests of significance showed that there were two significant coefficients and this was further confirmed by the f-test. If multicollinearity is present to any worrisome degree, typically, although the f-test rejects the null, we fail to identify any statistically significant coefficients in the t-test. Thus, there is little evidence of multi-collinearity. Additionally, we also look at the VIFs in table 2 below. Observe that the mean VIF is only 2.46 and the VIF for PINCOME is a bit large (although significantly smaller than 10, the standard indicator of severe and worrisome multicollinearity). T able 2: Testing for presence of multi-colinearity, VIFs Now, we rerun the regression incorporating only the significant variables in the specification. The model is specified as follows: The results of this regression are presented in table 3. Table 3: Results of OLS estimation including only the significant variables Observe first from the table above that the signs and the significances of the included variables remain the same. That is

Sunday, October 6, 2019

E-marketing Communications Plan for IBB Assignment

E-marketing Communications Plan for IBB - Assignment Example Hence, if we work through this new channel, it can make our work far faster and better than it used to be. Many Companies have moved away from big advertising expenditures that used to be a huge part of their marketing programs and have instead poured money into less expensive PR/Social Media programs. This digital media enabled the long-term partnership with consumers and also provided cost-effective solutions. Companies switching to new media are the latest trend and respond to the need of the market since most consumers prefer online channels these days. Indeed, online media are gaining popularity and consumers easily trust them. Today, content is created, consumed, commented on, collaborated over and circulated at an ever-accelerating pace through the social media, search engines, and digital content. Companies have to move quickly to identify, learn from and engage in conversations that are related to their brands. They need to communicate using channels preferred by an increasi ngly selective audience. So, it has been decided to launch a full flash digital marketing campaign using different mediums. I will closely work with digital marketing agencies to ensure media relations campaigns dovetail with blogger relations and other social media PR strategies, as well as wider marketing and communications initiatives. We work â€Å"with our clients to identify and track the most influential and relevant industry analysts and work out strategies for engaging with them. â€Å" ( For a new website launch, we will work for reputation management strategies, as well as communications services that meet our goals and objectives. We will take the time to understand our unique culture and challenges, which will help us come up with marketing strategies that will give us ultimate success. We will get the services of those agencies which specialize in helping clients build corporate visibility through high-profile media relations. We will also engage several crisis management experts, experienced in handling communications around a wide range of issues. During a campaign, the nationwide network of highly experienced social media mavens will target both consumers and influences. The services that we will explore include research, a brand category identification, message composition, ID maintenance, campaign development, execution and reporting. Methodology Since the world economy is influenced by globalization processes, the total business environment has dramatically changed of late. Competition is no more limited to a single market place, it has also expanded internationally. The technological advancement today creates competitive advantages in every industry and sector. Importantly, digital marketing is on boom and many businesses are shifting their budget to this new form of marketing. Before working on any report, it is vitally important to do a research. In particular, researchers have to ens ure they understand the topic right, and then they need to gather data and craft it in a fine report, which should be understandable in the context of its target market. In other words, researchers carry out a research and transform the facts that they have obtained in a sequence, so that readers can easily understand the idea and the situation described in the report.  

Saturday, October 5, 2019

How are African -Americans Represented on the Screen and in the Media Essay

How are African -Americans Represented on the Screen and in the Media - Essay Example African Americans have achieved prominence in many fields in American, still the media for racial and psycho – political reasons; have historically failed to project a balanced perspective of the Black experience. Mainstream media has systematically under – represented African Americans in genre outside sports, music and comedy and over represented Blacks as criminal or indigents. It shows that Blacks are takers and burden for the society. The news media of America rarely publicize Black’s contribution to American serious business, making their image appear that of an irresponsible community. Television news tend to illustrate welfare and poverty by portraying urban Black rather than rural whites. As per (Entman 59)â€Å"In its reporting on poverty, television paints a Bosch- like – landscape of social disruption and danger in which the principal actors, mainly Black, are visually associated with poverty as threat†. In earlier movies, African Americ ans were depicted as slaves and servants. Politically Blacks are depicted as sources of disruption, as victims, or as complaining supplicants. American belief about Black is based on what they observe in movies, television, dramas, newspaper, radio and other medias. Sadly, media elites may have some incentive to represent Black in negative terms. They want to appeal white and to entertain them showing their privilege and white dominion in the society. In his book (Covington 98)writes that ,â€Å"Across a whole range of media, the Black people are held responsible for their won poverty and violence because their under value class cause their self – defeating behaviors†. Even the black women characters in many films get implicated in the violence of males, especially the black single mothers who raise their sons alone. Films depict black single mothers as incapable of raising children, thereby blaming them for the poverty and violence that pervades underclass communities . Movies represent black women as hedonistic and oversexed and routinely cast them as drug addicts and prostitutes. Clearly crime also has increasingly become a way to talk about race differences in Hollywood, political campaigns and news media. In his journal (Balkaran ) mentions that ,â€Å" As a result of the overwhelming media focus on crime, drug use, gang violence, and other forms of anti-social behavior among African-Americans, the media have fostered a distorted and pernicious public perception of African-Americans†. Black males are constantly portrayed as dangerous and assaulting and killing each other in gang fights or brawls as a way of achieving manhood. Black woman also have long been represented as masculinized in media and films. As per (Murarka) â€Å"African Americans portrayals in the media are often times based on negative stereotypes they do not accurately portray reality†. According to (Hall 90)â€Å"Media has portrayed African American men as vio lent, menacing, and dangerous, often time having very dark skin and overly exaggerated†. This is kind of color representation of African males enhances negative evaluation on all the African American males. The media and films have always socially alienated African Americans throughout American history. Media consistently shows Black American youth as gang bangers, drug dealers, misogynists and gold wearing criminal misfits. In 1980s television